
After the amazing success of the Tangle Teezer in it’s various incarnations, the Wetbrush has arrived.

It is phenomenal.  People have flocked in to get their own one.  Moms are buying it because kids can brush their own hair without fuss and every client should own one.  ZERO stretching happening so wet hair is protected.  I love the fact that it won’t fly out of your hand while brushing.

It comes in a paddle version, mini, men’s, metallic and even a “Selfie” version!

wet brush bamboo

Click on the brush to open a new window

The bamboo Wetbrush raises money with it’s sales for a charity called “Water”, a NPO who provides clean drinking water where needed.  Their Mission Statement is headed with: Water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations.

Click here to visit WATER – Clicking on the Wetbrush logo heading this post will take you to the Wetbrush webpage.

There is a shine version for dried hair, which I’ve not tried yet.

There’s some clever science behind this brush: the bristles are very flexible, so it releases a tangle and the next bristle gentle eases it out more and this process continues until you have no knots.  Quick.  Painless.

I’ve brushed curls without getting frizz, detangled kids hair without tears and my own mane’s much easier to manage with this little helper.  If you can find one, get it!

Here is the link to their web page:

the Wetbrush

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